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Agriculture one liner-05 |
Agricultural Exports and Imports:
Ø **Share of Agriculture exports in the total exports
of the country- 12.26% (fourth argest commodity in terms of exports)
Ø **Share of Agriculture imports in the total
imports of the country- 4.09%
Ø *India’s largest exported agricultural
commodity in terms of its value- Basmati Rice (Rs.32,804 cr)
Ø Highest exported :Cereals (basmati rice
&Non basmati rice) >Marine Products>Buffalo meat
Highest imported: Vegetable oils and Fresh fruits
Ø Share of India’s Agriculture exports in the
world exports – 2.5%
Ø Share of India’s Agriculture Imports in the
world Imports – 1.5%
Ø India’s total agricultural exports accounts
for- 2.71 Lakh crore
Ø India’s total agricultural imports accounts
for- 1.42 Lakh crore
Ø **India’s top Agricultural Export commodities
in terms of value areBasmati Rice> Buffalo Meat > Non basmati rice>
Guar Gum
Ø **India’s top Agricultural Imports in terms of
value areVegetable oils> Fresh fruits> Cashew> Pulses > Raw Cotton
(Source: http://apeda.gov.in)
Ø Ø India Exports Principal Agricultural commodities to- USA
Ø Ø India Imports Principal Agricultural Commodity (Edible oils) from – Indonesia
Ø Ø India’s position in global export of agricultural, fishery, and forestry products is- 14th
Ø Ø National Food Security Mission (NFSM)-2007
Ø Ø National Food security Mission (NFSM) launched in the year- 2007.
Ø Ø The main Aim is that to increase production of Rice by 10 MT, Wheat by 8 MT and Pulses by 2 MT by the end of 11 FYP.
Ø Ø Target of NFSM during 12 FYP is to increase food grain production by 25.0 MT i.e., 10.0 Mt of Rice, 8Mt of Wheat, 4.0Mt of Pulses, 3.0Mt of Coarse cereals.
Ø Ø NFSM at present covers Seven crops i.e., Rice, Wheat, Pulses, Coarse Cereals, Sugarcane, Cotton, Jute.
Ø Ø New Initiatives in NFSM: from 2018 onwards focusing on Nutri-cereals, Oilseeds and Oil palm
o New ‘National
Mission on Edible Oil’ implemented from- 2018-19 (National Mission on Oilseeds & Oil Palm
included under NFSM)
o To Increase production of
Oilseeds from 30.88 mt to 47.80 million tonnes by 2024-25
o Increase the production
of edible oils from primary and secondary sources from 10.50 mt to 18 mt by 2024-25 that reduce
imports on edible oil from 60 to 45%.
Ø Oil seed production- 32.26 million tonnes (2018-19) & Productivity is 1265 Kg/ha
GST: Goods & Service Tax
Ø **Goods and Service Tax is
an- Indirect tax
Ø The genesis of the introduction of GST in the
country was laid down in the historic Budget Speech of – 28th February 2006
Ø Amendment bill- 122
Ø Amendment Act- 101
Ø GST Council Headquarter- New Delhi
Ø GST Recommended by-Vijay Kelkar Committee
Ø 1 st state to ratify the GST bill- Assam
Ø Zero GST- for Food grains
Ø GST threshold limit for Normal states- 20
Ø GST threshold limit for NE states- 10 lakhs
Ø 1st state to pass GST bill- Telangana
Ø GST Council formation based on ARTICLE- 279A.
Ø GST was first introduced by- France, 1954
Ø GSTN-Goods & Service Tax Network.
Ø 5%Fertilizers, Dry Fruits fresh
or dried,
Ø Fruits and vegetable juices 12%
Ø Tractors 12%
Ø Pesticides, Tractor wheel,
Tractor parts 18%
Scenario (2018-19):
Ø NPK use ratio in India in 2018-19 is- 7.1:2.7:1
Ø Optimum use of NPK ratio is- 4: 2:1
Ø Per hectare consumption of fertilizers in India during 2018-19 is-137.4 kg/ha
Ø Per ha consumption of fertilizers highest in- Telangana (245.29 Kg/ha)> Punjab (224.49 Kg/ha)> Haryana (224.46 Kg/ha).
Ø Per ha consumption of fertilizers Lowest in- Kerala (36.38 Kg/ha) followed by Rajasthan (60.73 Kg/ha).
Ø Total production of NP fertilizers in India during 2018-19- 17.93 MMT (N fert13.34, P fert- 4.59 MMT)
Ø Production of Urea in India- 23.90 MMT; DAP- 3.90 MMT, SSP-4.08 MMT
Ø Total Import of fertilizers during 2018-19- 18.81 MMT (Urea- 7.45 mmt, DAP6.60 mt, NP/NPK- 0.55 mt & MOP-4.21 mt)
Ø Mostly Imported fertilizer- Potash from Jordan and Tunesia
Ø India is third in fertilizer production and second in consumption (China is first in fertilizer consumption)
Ø Fertilizer Control order- 1985
Ø Neem Coated Urea (45 Kg bag)- incorporated as regular fertilizer in 2010
Ø Indigenous manufacturing of Neem coated Urea started in -2014
Ø Neem coated Urea is sold at- 5% above the MRP to recover the cost of coating
Ø Neem coated urea save urea by-20-30%
Ø The basic retail price of Urea is- Rs.5360 per tone
Ø The basic retail price of 45kg Neem Coated Urea bag is- Rs.242
Pesticide consumption scenario (2018-19):
Ø Ø Total registered pesticides in India (2018)- 287
Ø Total banned pesticides in India- 28
Ø Central Insecticides Board and Registration
Committee (CIB & RC) –To facilitate the registration of safe, efficacious and quality pesticides
for domestic use and export
Ø The major pesticides applications are found
in- Rice and Cotton crops (1st Paddy, 2 nd Cotton)
Ø Andhra Pradesh,
Maharashtra and Punjab are top three states contributing to 45% of pesticide consumption
in India.
Ø (Source: cibrc.nic.in)
Ø Total number of Central Integrated Pest Management
Centres (CIPMCs) across the country is- 35
ICT Initiatives in Agriculture: (Useful for SRF)
Ø An Android Mobile App for Jute and allied fiber crops Pest
Management is- Jaf Safe
Ø **A joint initiative of the Indian
Meteorological Department (IMD) and Indian Council for Agriculture Research (ICAR)
to bring high resolution ‘Vernacular Agro advisory App’ based on weather
forecast to farmers is- Meghdoot (Aug, 2019) (Imp)
Ø *App developed by India’s Agriculture Ministry
to hire Farm equipments on rental basis is- Uber for Tractor (The app seeks to efficiently
connect farmers with Custom Hiring Centers (CHCs) just like Uber connects
passengers to cabs.)
Ø The Union Ministry of Agriculture &
Farmers Welfare launched the Muli lingual Mobile App that will allow farmers to avail
custom hiring services of CHCs is- CHC Farm Machinery App
Ø *CHC Farm Machinery App will allow farmers to avail custom
hiring services of CHCs located in a radius of- 50 KM (Sep 24, 2019)
Ø App launched by Ministry of Agriculture to
provide farmers the information of best demonstration of high yielding crops and seeds in
their nearby area is- Krishi Kisan App (Sep 24, 2019)
Ø App launched by Ministry of Agriculture for
Geo Tagging of Agricultural assets is- Krishi Kisan App
Ø *The mobile application
launched Ministry of Agril. for farmers which will provide information on subjects such as
weather, Market prices , seeds , fertilizers, pesticides, Input dealers and agriculture
machinery is- Kisan Suvidha (March, 2016) (Imp)
Ø Disaster Warning device launched by government
to protect fishermen of any danger is- GEMINI
Ø (Gemini is a portable device
linked to ISRO satellites that is ‘fail proof’ developed by INCOIS.)
Ø FSSAI signed an MoU with NASSCOM to build a
app to prevent food
Ø **App developed by ICAR which integrates more
than 100 agriculture related apps of ICAR institutes is- KISAAN (Krishi Integrated Solution
for Agri Apps Navigation).
Ø KISAAN app developed by- ICAR- Directorate of
Knowledge Management in Agriculture
Ø KVK Mobile App” developed by- ICAR IASRI
Ø *Plant diagnostic app “Plantix” developed by-
PEAT GmBH in collaboration with ICRISAT, CIMMYT & CABI.
Ø App developed by Ministry of Jal Shakti for
cleaning & greening of open space through plantation, rain water
harvesting-awareness & construction is- m Hariyali
Ø Portal developed by Ministry of Agriculture
for marketing of Organic produce is- Jaivik Kheti
Ø A mobile smart phone application (Drishti) has
been developed for field data collection. It is developed in 2015 by NRSC (National remote
sensing centre)
Ø Hortinet Mobile app for farmers to facilitate
testing, registration and certification of Fruits & vegetables is launched by-
Ø PM Kisan App (Feb 24, 2020) - To increase the
outreach of PM KISAN Scheme.
Ø *PM-Kisan Toll free No.
Ø Saturation of PM Kisan
beneficiaries with Kisan Credit Cards
Ø Livestock Disease Forewarning Mobile App
developed by- ICAR-National Institute of Veterinary Epidemiology and Disease Informatics
Ø ICAR-IVRI in collaboration with IASRI developed –
IVRI vaccination Guide App.
Ø Avi Mitra- Pashu Palan App
Some Important International
Ø Project/Mission Initiated in
Ø First AICRP on Maize 1957
Ø First NRC on Groundnut 1979
Ø National Agricultural
Research Project (NARP) 1979
Ø National Agricultural
Extension Project (NAEP) 1983
Ø Technology Mission on Oil
Seeds 1986
Ø National Agricultural
Technology Project (NATP) 1998
Ø National Agricultural
Innovation Project (NAIP) July, 2006
Ø National Horticultural
Mission (NHM) 2005-06
Ø Mission for Integrated
Development of Horticulture (MIDH) 2014-15
Ø National Food Security
Mission (NFSM) 2007
Ø National Food Security Act
or Ordinance July, 2013
Ø **National Innovations on
Climate Resilient Agriculture(NICRA) Feb 2011
Ø Agricultural Management
Agency 1998
Ø National Agriculture Higher
Education Project (NAHEP) Sep, 2017
Ø Major Flagship programmes
Launched by Central
Ø Government in Agriculture
and allied Sectors (Must Read)**
Ø In 2020 Budget is presented
under three Prominent themes:
Ø Aspirational India 2.
Economic Development 3. Caring Society
Ø **Agriculture Industry Women
& Child
Ø Irrigation Investment Social
Ø Rural Development
Infrastructure Culture, Tourism Water, Sanitation Commerce Environment & Education
& Skills New Economy Climate Change
Ø In 2020 Budget Agriculture
is presented under the theme of “Asipirational India”.
Ø In 2020 Budget Government
formulated______ point strategy to boost Agriculture -16 point
Ø Budget for Agriculture and
allied sectors is- 2.83 Lakh cr (Agril-1.42 lakh cr; RD-1.22 Lakh cr)
Ø Kisan Rail Scheme: 1 Feb,
Ø Launched by: Indian Railways
through PPP.
Ø Objective: To build a
Seamless National Cold Supply Chain for perishables (Milk, Meat, Fish) through
refrigerated coaches in Express and Freight trains.
Ø To help small farmers to
supply perishable goods across the counry.
Ø Krishi Udaan: 1 Feb, 2020
Ø Launched by: Ministry of
civil Aviation
Ø Objective: To build a
Seamless National Cold Supply Chain for perishables (Milk, Meat, Fish).
Ø To assist farmers in
transporting agricultural products so that improves their value realization.
Ø Dhanya Lakshmi Scheme: 1
Feb, 2020
Ø SHGs & Women SHGs will
be promoted to become Dhanya Lakshmi (Seed banks) using Mudra Yojana.
Ø Programmes launched during
2020 Budget
Ø Pradhan Mantri Matsya
Sampada Yojana
o Launched: 5th July
o Aim: To increase
the production of fish and aquatic products
o It includes MoFPI’s
schemes such as
Food Parks, Food Safety and Infrastructure.
Programmes launched during 2018-19
to 2019-20
Ø ***5. Pradhan Mantri Kisan
Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN): Feb, 2019 (IMP)
Ø Direct income support of Rs.6,000 per annum to
all Land Holding Families.
Ø PM Kisan toll free
number: 1800115526 Integration of PM Kisan benefiaries with KCC holders.
Ø Har Medh Par Pedh: Dec, 2018 (Sub Mission on
Agro Forestry)
Ø Establishing New
Forward linkages for Agro forestry produce Promotion of tree based oil seeds
for production of biofuel.
Ø Provision of
Financial Assistance for Nursery Development & Plantation in farm land which will help
farmer get additional income and make farming system more climate resilient
& adaptive.
Ø 7.**Kisan Urja Suruksha evam
Utthaan Mahabhiyan (KUSUM): Feb, 2019
Ø ****Formulated by ministry of New and
Renewable Energy
Ø ** Installation of Grid connected Solar power
plants each of capacity Upto 2MW in rural areas
Ø ***Installation of Solar water pumps (for 20
Lakh farmers)
Ø **Solarisation of existing grid connected
agricultural pumps (for 15 lakh farmers) to make farmers independent of grid supply and also enable
them to sell surplus solar power to DISCOM.
o GOBAR – DHAN: Galvanizing
Organic Bio-Agro Resources, February, 2018
o Main focus on
converting cattle dung, solid waste into compost, biogas and bioCNG.
o Agrimarket Infrastructure
Fund: March, 2019
Ø Corpus fund of Rs.2000 cr to
NABARD towards soft loan to states/UTs for developing
Ø Marketing infrastructure.
o Pradhan Mantra Kisan SAMPADA
Yojana- May, 2017
Ø SAMPADA - Scheme for Agro
Marine Processing and Development of Agro processing Clusters
Ø Objective: Holistic
development of the food processing sector
Ø Promotion of Value addition through food
Ø Integrated cold chain and value addition infrastructure
Ø Total number of Mega food parks- 42
Ø Infrastructure facilities creation through
Mega food parks
Ø Budget: Allocation of 6,000 cr for a period of
Ø Dairy Processing &
Infrastructure Development Fund (DIDF): Sep, 2017
Ø Budget: Allocation of Rs.
10,881 crore during the period from 2017-18 to 2028-29.
Ø Objective: To create
infrastructure facilities in dairy sector
Ø Implementing Agency:
National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) and National Cooperative Development
Cooperation (NCDC)
Ø Sponsoring Agency: NABARD
o **E-Pasuhaat Portal: 2016
Ø For connecting breeders and farmers of
indigenous breeds of cow
Ø To connect Farmers and breeders o trade
disease free germplasm
o ***Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima
Yojana; Jan 14, 2016 (Imp)
§ under this scheme farmers will
have to pay
Ø *2% premium fixed by
insurance firms for Kharif crops
Ø *1.5%- for Rabi crops
Ø *5% for Commercial &
Horticultural crops
Ø It is formed by Merging
National Agricultural Insurance Scheme (1999-2000);
Ø Weather based Crop Insurance
Scheme (1985)
Ø Restructured Weather Based
Crop Insurance Scheme (RWBCIS)- Kharif 2016- aims to mitigate the hardship of
the insured farmers against the anticipated crop loss resulting from adverse
weather conditions relating to rainfall, temperature, wind, humidity etc.
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