General Agriculture Quize-03 (15 Question)

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General Agriculture Quize-03

Q1.) Which following crops is more exhaustive ?
A) Graminae
B) Fabaceae
C) Solanaceae
D) Compositae

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Q2.) Origin of Tobacco?
A) Mexico & Central America
B) China
C) India
D) Peru (S.America)

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Q3.) Family of tobacco?
A) Malvaceae
B) Polygoniceae
C) Solanaceae
D) Polygoniceae

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Q.4) Agronomic measures used to reduce erosion where slope is?
A) Less than 2%
B) 5-7%
C) 16-33%
D) All of the above

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Q.5) Family of Castor?
A) Umbelliferae
B) Euphorbiaceae
C) Tiliaceae
D) Pedoliaceae

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Q.6)  Family of jute is ?
A) Pedoliaceae
B) Tiliaceae
C) Graminae
D) Solanaceae

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Q.7) Tobacco is a?
A) Kharif Crop
B) Rabi crop
C) Zaid crop
D) None

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Q.8) Origin of potato ?
A) India
B) China
C) Mexico
D) Peru(S.America)

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Q.9) The seed which is known as mother seed ?
A) Breeder seed
B) Foundation seed
C) Certified seed
D) None

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Q.10) The weed which was first biologically controlled?
A) Parthenium hysterophorus
B) Lantana camara
C) Physalis minima
D) Cyperus rotundus

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Q.11) Trade name of Alachlor?
A) Machete
B) Basalin
C) Stamp F-34
D) Lasso

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Q.12) Trade name of Butachlor?
A) Machete
B) Stomp
C) Basalin
D) Stamp F-34

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Q.13) Origin of soybean?
A) India
B) China
C) Bhutan
D) Mexico

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Q.14) Cyperus rotundus is a...?
A) Absolute weed
B) Relative weed
C) Volunteer weed
D) All of the above

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Q.15) Purity% *Germination%/100 is a formula of ?
A) Real value of seed
B) Utility percentage of seed
C) Both a&b
D) Dockage

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