General Agriculture Quize-02 (15 Question)

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General Agriculture daily Quize-02

Q1.)  Father of weed science ?
A) Watson
B) Jethro Tull
C) Aurthor Young
D) Liebig

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Q2.) Farming which includes Crop production and live stock?

A) Mixed cropping
B) Mixed farming
C) Intercropping
D) Dry Farming

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Q3.) Formula of Harvest Index is ?

A) Economic yield/biological yield×100
B) Sink/source×100
C) Grain /(grain+straw)×100
D) All of the above

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Q.4) Agro climatic Regional planning in india was initiated in which five year plan?

A) 4th five years plan
B) 5th five years plan
C) 6th five years plan
D) 7th five year plan (1988)

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Q.5) Who wrote Horse hoeing husbendary ?
A) Watson
B) Jenthrotull
C) Dokuchaev
D) Peter De-cresenzi

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Q.6)  Father of Agronomy ?
A) Peter De-cresenzi
B) Jenthrotull
C) Dokuchaev
D) Watson

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Q.7) Phenyl Murcuric Acetate (PMA) is a type of anti transpirants ?
A) Reflecting type
B) Stomata closing type
C) Film foaming
D) Growth retardant

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Q.8) Kaolin is a type of antitranspirants ?
A) reflecting type
B) Growth retardants
C) Both
D) None

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Q.9) Cultivation of crop in a reas where annual rainfall is more than 750mm and less than 1150mm is called as ?
A) Dry Farming
B) Dry land farming
C) Rainfed Farming
D) None of the above

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Q.10) When annual rainfall is less than 75% of normal the situation will be called as ?
A) Drought
B) Severe drought
C) Agriculture droght
D) None

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Q.11) If deficiency of rainfall is above 50% of the normal the situation will be called as ?
A) drought
B) severe drought
C) both
D) None 

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Q.12) Means of cultivation of crops in regions where annual rainfall is more than 1150mn is called as ?
A) Rainfed Farming
B) Dry Farming
C) Dry land farming
D) None of the above

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Q.13) Cultivation of crops in areas where annual rainfall is less than 750mm is called as ?
A) Dry Farming
B) Dry land farming
C) Rainfed Farming
D) none of these

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Q.14) Supplemental irrigation is known as ?
A) Sprinkler irrigation
B) Life saving irrigation
C) Both
D) None of these

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Q.15) Cycocel is a ?
A) Growth inducer
B) Growth retardants
C) Both
D) None of these

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